General information |
Information on identification |
Ref. code: | 02.SCH.0007 |
Title: | Schriftenkontrolle Schweizer: Aufenthalterkontrolle |
Creation date(s): | 1/2/1947 - 3/17/1961 |
Level: | Dossier |
Former reference codes: | E.0061 |
| 02.SCH.0025 |
Information on content and structure |
Content: | 32x43 cm. |
Additional comments |
Comments: | Ursprünglich Ablieferung der Verwaltungspolizei vom 12.9.1995 (Ablieferungsunterlagen unter E.0013) |
Archival Material Types: | Band |
URL for this unit of description |
URL: | https://query.staatsarchiv.ow.ch/detail.aspx?ID=7239 |
Social Media |
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