General information |
Information on identification |
Ref. code: | E.0095.02 (05) |
Title: | Fotos von gekauften Werken und unterstützten Projekten |
Creation date(s): | approx. 1986 |
Level: | Dossier |
Extent: | 16 Fotos |
Information on context |
Author/photographer/artist: | Christian Sigrist, Eugen Bollin, Ming Urs |
Information on content and structure |
Content: | 13x9 - 24x20 cm. |
Additional comments |
Standort: | Schachtelablage |
Archival Material Types: | Bild/Foto |
URL for this unit of description |
URL: | https://query.staatsarchiv.ow.ch/detail.aspx?ID=135490 |
Social Media |
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